b&k reference 200.7 price?

What would be a good price for this series 1 amp? i have a possible chance to pick one up. i am running b&w 804 in my home theater.... would this be a good match up? i really do jot have the money right now for any Macintosh or other high end amps... about $1,000 is where he is at. Are there something better in that price range? i run 5.1 not 7.
I do not see a max volume setting in the manual for your Pioneer, other than the settings to balance the 6 channels. But, as long as you keep the volume down, you will be fine. I have a 400 watt amp driving :200 watt" speakers with no issue using a Yamaha receiver. It will be way to loud long before you get to the limit of the speaker.

One thing you do need to test is if the overall gain is so large that you hardly get to move the volume level above the lowest setting. But, most receivers have pretty good control at the low level settings of the volume knob.

Good luck. The Anthem should be a good stop up from the other options.
Thank you... i hope that the sound quality is so much improved that it will be an obvious upgrade. besides the amp not working as it should that is my only fear. i know people say that separates make a HUGE difference i hope that it a true statement.
I just got the anthem statement p5... started a new thread. thank you for all your help. on to the next one!