Vintage Power Amp vs new age power amp

Hi. Anyone has any experience in vintage power amp performance over the new era entry power amp?

I am currently using a Emotiva XPA-3 rated at 200watts per channel. I will have a chance to get a vintage Marantz Model 300 DC vintage power amp. I wonder what difference in performance it will get over my Emotiva.

Anyone has experience with these 2 or maybe similar? The bad thing I know about Marantz is that there's no banana plug connection for speaker cables.. hehe
I have a pair of conrad johnson Premier V monoblocks that are wonderfully musical. I don’t need their power with my speakers so I use an integrated amp. I think the vintage vs. new audio debate can be thought of as paralleling vintage vs. new cars. There’s no doubt that the technology inside the classic 6os muscle cars can’t be compared with their modern rivals, but that in no way lessons my passion for them. Different strokes for different folks.
I too will put up my Eico HF 22 monos against any amps $10,000 or less.
Metman, I think it's the old vintage Iron too.

The Eico's will blow your hifi mind, I will tell you something else also, I squeezed even more goodness out of the 22's by putting in these great sounding Shuguang 5Z3PAT I got off ebay for $19.99 and free shipping! these thing are stupendous sounding rectifiers!
Also, There is a seller selling matched quads of SHUGUANG VACUUM TUBES 6L6GC RARE COKE BOTTLE, I get them for 21.99 a quad!! and they are great, beating my really good Gold lion KT66 I have and like...I dare you to try them and tell me what you think! I'm in hifif heaven these days.
>Modern amps on average have wider bandwidth, faster rise
>times, higher current, higher damping factor, lower
>distortion, and audibly better signal-to-noise ratio.

Not necessarily true.

Compare Nelson Pass's Threshold amps from the 80s, and 90s with his Pass Lab's amps from the 90s to date. They generally have the same specs. Just different implementation, which is why many gravitate towards his older stuff because price-per-amp, vintage is hard to beat even including replacing the supply caps. This is also true for old Krell and McIntosh gear.

In any event, the specs are one thing but not always indicative of better performance.
>Electronic parts (capacitors, resistors, printed circuit
>boards, etc.) are better as time moves on...there are new
>materials, or construction techniques, etc. that makes these
>black boxes perform better. Even though there is excellent
>older stuff, the excellent newer stuff is better.

I would agree that better manufacturing techniques now can lead to tighter tolerances. However, I would not necessarily agree that that results in modern amps sounding better than vintage amps.

They sound different, but one (modern or vintage) is not better than the other.
As for banana plugs, I actually don't like the ordinary ones. Over time, they can use tension (and thus a solid connection). One option is the locking bananas. Somewhat costly, but a solid connection.