Rogue M-180 vs BAT vk150se

I would like some opinions on the Rogue M-180 monoblocks vs BAT vk150SE. Speakers are Revel Salon 2. Preamp is Classe CP-800 (which I love), but I will be adding a tube preamp into the rotation (likely the Cary SLP-05, but I am looking at offerings from PrimaLuna, BAT and Rogue).
Sources: OPPO-95, Mac Mini running Amerra, Rega RP3 w/black ortofon m2, squeezebox.

Looking to add warmth, liquid midrange and ever so slightly soften the highs on some recordings.
As Chrissain suggests, Salon 2s are power hogs. I wouldn't use anything less than 300 wpc into 8 ohms to drive them in any room larger than say 2500 s.f.

There are plenty of SS amps that can provide the sonic qualities you're looking for and may be better suited for these speakers than tube amps.
Bat is a much better amplifier than Rogue.

that said, I would only use SS for Revels.
If you are sticking to solid state, an older Classe ca 301, or cam 350 monos would sound great, and you can get them for not a lot of dough, good luck