Searching for better 2 channel performance?

Once again debating the upgrade options and need help. Hard to find anything 2 channel oriented around here to compare so I have to rely on advise here.

Recently upgraded surround processor to Marantz SR 6005 and am overall very happy with the sound quality. For 2 channel I run a squeezebox thru a Lite Audio dac 60 to the Marantz in pure direct mode to Gallo 3.1 and am happy with the sound but feel I am missing something. Imaging in particular seems lacking. This could be an issue with the material I listen to. Any suggestions on something to showcase imaging both left and right and front to back?

I am considering adding a seperate pre just for 2 channel. This would be used, most likely bought off this forum. Have read many post that seem to make it sound as though modern processors will out perform older equipment due to advancements in quality of parts. Many post on the other side also.

Need recommendations on used pre's or processors >$1000.00 that will outperform the marantz/Lite Audio in 2 channel. Need remote and 2 zone operation. Have considered Classe, Lexicon, Proceed, anc Cary.
Thanks for any guidance or suggestions.
You should read Jim Smith's book "Get Better Sound". It's a great read, full of information and should help you improve the sound of your system through speaker and listener positioning. You could do this inexpensively before you try upgrading any of your components.
Ths364 Johnson is right about Loomis Johnson being right! If it were me I might consider the amp as the first place to start looking, but as mentioned it could be several several factors: speaker positioning (correct long-wall placement can be better for more coherent imaging along the front of the soundstage than the usually better depth associated with short-wall set-up), wiring and even things like proper impedance matching or volume pot quality. The "Get Better Sound" recommendation is a good one too.
Steve, just saw your last post. Congrats on the Bryston amp, BTW. I don't know if you can find one on the used market in your price range or not, but you might try the Wyred 4 Sound preamp.
Emotiva has a new preamp coming out, but it's $1500. The NAD T175 might be a possiblity and there's one being offered here at Agon for $875.