Hi, first time posting here. I have Luxman MB 3045 mono blocks with 6lf6 output tubes, bone stock configuration. After owning many many solid state setups, this pair fell into my lap at a price I couldn't refuse. I had to claim complete ignorance to anything with tubes. I actually stayed away from the idea of tubes since I had no experience whatsoever. I had heard many extol the superiority of the "tube sound", but had no frame of reference.
After receiving this pair, two friends came over with their tube amps (Mcintosh MC275 & Dynaco ST120 modded. They cycled their gear one by one with my Pioneer Spec 1 pre, Infinity Kappa 9's & we tore up some half speed masters/mobile fidelity vinyl on a VPI turntable. It was a fairly long session lasting six hours plus, much to the frustration of my wife.
After all these years I was converted. What joy to my ears. I had never been able to listen that long without the familiar fatigue we encounter so often. I did however experience a lack of what I will refer to as "tight accurate bass". My opinion after experimentation is this: Solid state is great for the low end. I have since bi-amped my system using the tubes on the highs & mids combined with my Spec 2 on the bottom. Obviously the Kappa's are bi-amp capable.
One caveat, the Kappa's work the Spec pretty hard. I am in the process of re-capping/restoring a pair of Bose 1801 power amps, which I plan to cycle in one of them on the bottom. (They can be wired to mono block configuration, but alas not stable with anything besides an 8 ohm speaker load. As most of us know, the Kappa's dip much much deeper into the abyss. I do believe one of them will perform much better than the Spec 2 since it is more of a high current design. I re-capped using a pair of 47000mf 100v output filter caps, which may prove to give me the reserve headroom that the Kappa's will require.
My previous amplification was a re-capped Carver M1.5t with a fair amount of power and current, but still had to be reserved with the Kappa's. They are wonderful speakers but hazardous to a majority of gear. They have an extended bass mode switch linked to the Xovers that make them dip even lower. I clipped the Carver one time and never used it again.
Sorry for the rater long diatribe, I just wanted to weigh in and comment on a worthy compromise of blending what I consider the best of both worlds. I am currently content with the obvious improvement in the bass until I finish the 1801's this week. One improvement on the near horizon will be a competent tube based pre-amp. For now I am filtering my digital library through a Music Hall 25.3 DAC with a tube buffer output with tangible positive results.
Most of us don't have deep enough pockets to approach this hobby with no limitation on obtaining what we would really like to have. I feel like I have been extremely fortunate considering the level of sound quality I enjoy compared the the modest resources invested. I suppose for those who can afford high powered tube amplification, the bass would perhaps not be an issue. I would love to be able to test this theory, but alas there is reality.
In summary, if you have tube amplification & speakers you love with bi-amp option, do not hesitate to put in a beefy solid state amp on the bottom. IMHO, it is the best combination out there.