Class A amps or Class D??: Which sounds better??

Amplifier performance and synergy depends on the other components, and cables in a system. I have read alot about the advantages of Class A.amps Though an older amp design, do class A amps necessarily sound better than Class D digital amps like Nu-Force, Bel Canto, and Wyred4Sound?? These class D amps supposedly run more efficiently, with less heat and noise and are smaller in size.

I have a friend who has a Musical Fidelity A3CR power amp and a Bel canto pre-amp, and a pair of Spendor floorstanders. The MF amp is at least 10 years old, and no longer made. I have listened to the amp in his system, and it does sound very good. Most noteably is its across the board smoothness. However, I think its performance is system dependent, and might be a liability in other systems. Would like to hear comments and opinions about these two amp "designs", and if one sounds better than the other, OR JUST DIFFERENT.

BTW, I am not sure that owning a 10 year old amp like the MF A3CR is a good idea, despite its class A rating, and a few positive consumer reviews I have seen. Thank you
>>07-22-12: Csontos
The amp on the other hand is the heart of the system.<<

That is incorrect.

It all starts with the speakers; they are the most important component in every system.
My personal preference is for Class A, having just switched from D to A. Despite the much lower rated power, I found the Class A amp to have greater definition, control and musicality.
"..lack of authority that class D brings to the party is obvious "

What about vehicles with internal combusion engines ???
Once I drove Yugo and its was horrible !!!!!!! Friend recommended Ferrari but I said "Thanks but no, I know how they drive!"

The "authority" is a function of well designed power supplies be it for class D or class XYZ with BIG, BAD, headroom (and NO distortions, pleeeease!)

I piblished article on the topic in Enjoy The Sound:

If interested in the topic - please read, I wrote it as educational tool for non-engineers music lovers.

All The Best,
"It boils down to having the right tool for the job."

Thank you for that answer that "hits the nail on the head".

What hammer works best? Screwdriver? Amplifier?

Audio is not so complicated anymore as some make it out to be. The basic problems have been solved for years.

Now it is exactly more about choosing the right tool for the job than ever because, guess what, there are many very good ones out there and they are all different! Go figure!

Of course some may like certain tools and build their solutions that way. No problem. Its all good! There is no better or best technology. IT ALL DEPENDS! Who'da Thunkit?

One needs to think twice before categorically dismissing certain technologies that they may not prefer because there may be others out there that know better and credibility is lost.