Amp/Preamp combo for Wilson Sophia 3's

I've been thinking about upgrading my electronics (amp/preamp) from my current Ayre KX-5eMP and VX-5e. Been thinking of the Ayre KXR/MXR combination, but my dealer says there are better combinations for the money. I recently heard Wilson MAXX 3's w/Boulder electronics (2000 series I think) and was very impressed, so that's an option. Any others?
Hi Tom,

If you are concerned about length, the output impedance of the CJ GAT is 100ohms and is designed to drive long runs (it actually is part solid state, part output tube buffer) i understand you get the lower output impedance of a SS with its ability to drive longer interconnect runs? Might be the same with the check if you are interested.

Meanwhile, if you are set on balanced...the ARC Ref5 or Ref5SE are both excellent and for the money (particular the 5 second hand) is excellent as well. Good luck! You've got great options...enjoy!

You never mentioned your budget.

I have heard the Sophia 3s with ARC Ref 5SE and Ref 150. The sound was terrific.

I agree with Lloydelee21's recommendations. Depends on your preferences and how much you want to spend!

I think you would be happier with a solid state amp. Buddy has an Allnic tubed 50w class A monoblocks driving his Wilson Sasha's and the sound is simply fantastic. I have found the Edge product to sound great and comparable to other previously suggested options. Not sure what your budget is but really like what I hear about the new Constellation peformance line, Solution (i think they are making an integrated. Have a fair bit of experience with the BAT (balanced audio tech) and their 52SE and 600SE are very nice and all balanced-not in the price of some of the above or previously suggested. I am really suprised the dealer had that comment on the Ayre gear because all I have heard or experienced has been very positive.I am running an Edge solid state sig 1.1 pre and recently purchased an Allnic L-3000 tubed pre and the mix of powerfull solid state amp and tube pre is great and may be a nice combo with your wilsons.
The Wilson speakers have always been tube-friendly and the Sophia is no exception. If you are considering Wilsons, always consider a good tube amp for them.

I've heard many people complain about Wilsons being too bright or the like over the years but I don't find that to be the case if you use a decent tube amp. They really do go well together.