Faceplates Silver or Black???????

What is your preference? Or, does it even matter?

The preferred 'faceplate color' pendulum sweeps back and forth over the years. Often, leaving us with a mixture of components.

Does anyone else take aesthetics into account when deciding on component selection?

Would you consider NOT purchasing the piece you know you want or know you should have, but couldn't pull the trigger because it didn't match your system?

Any other "sick puppies" out here?

Thoughts on where the trend is taking us now?
Hey "Wolf-man," right you are, but I'm more concerned about playing my favorite Linda Ronstadt albums too loud, especially "Living in the USA." That's the LP with the pic of Linda wearing her roller skating shorty shorts. She was definitely one cuty-pie back in the day. My wife confiscated the album for a week when I first got it.

P.S. I wonder how she'll sound when my stealth PH-8 comes in??
Enlightning, not to mention humorous comments.

Elizabeth, gotta love your style! When Louis Vuitton starts making amps sounds like you'll be first in line. Logo'd brown leather? Think of the possibilities!

Looks like black is the preference so far.
I opted for everything black for my Ayre stuff, but when I see the silver Ayre gear...it looks sooooo modern and clean.
I own a Dolan PM1 from back in the day. It was offered with a brass or black faceplate and I had the brass. I've always had black gear so I opted to switch out the brass for the black. I regret it to this day! Even though the preamp is in the 'spares' closet right now, it was a primo-looking piece of gear with the brass!
Black, no doubt about it. I don't care for silver or gold faceplates or trim. I don't want my equipment screaming out for attention aesthetically. I don't mind a component calling attention to itself for performance reasons.