Build a new system around pair of Snell Alll's?

Due to setting up a second home (in Austin), I have the opportunity to set up a new system around my Snell Alll's. Fortunately, it will be a bigger room and I do plan to make it a HT system although my main interest is to max stereo listening. I've had them on a B&K AVR707 and really enjoyed the clarity and neutrality I got. But feel the staging was too shallow which crunched the imaging. Without having any real tube experience I think I may be a SS listener at heart. The "peach fuzz" feel of tubes I've heard described seems unappealing. What I am convinced of is need to get much more power to the Snells. I know there's a ton of variables here but appreciate any suggestions from those who may be familiar with these beauties. Thanks
Great that you are getting to hear different things, but be very careful about conclusions based on listening to other speakers; especially as different as the 801's are from the Snells. I thought you were taking the Snells to the dealer?
BTW, which integrated did you listen to? All three amps you mention are power amps. Also, which amp was too warm you?
Frogman I stand corrected. The intergrated I listened to was the mc 7000. The other mc was the mc452 with a C48 Pre. You're right, I'm taking the Snells there next week, this was just a run to see the set up and rooms. Wanted to see what I was getting into before hauling those behemoths out. I'm also going to hear the Rowland and ModWright set up next week but will do the same before hauling the Snells there. That's a two hour drive.

Both the Macs were what might be called too warm for me. Am I so accustomed to the "live" Snell and B&K sound??? That's how I'd describe the Classe difference that was more appealing to me. More live. Do you think the Snell neutrality will balance the Mc warmth? Very anxious to hear them hooked up to all the set ups there.

Very cool and fun. Im definitely keeping an open mind but it seems this tatse difference may be the great audiophile divide....:) Thanks.
Tccaux, listening to your Snells with a variety of amps is a fantastic opportunity. If the Snells are keepers (I think they should be), you are doing exactly the right thing. I would only encourage you to approach it with an open mind. "Neutrality" means different things to different listeners. I personally think the Snells are definitely closer to neutral than not; MY definition of neutral. But, I think a lot of audiophiles (perhaps most) would think they are more on the romantic side of things given their very full bodied sound, and dense images. I am not familiar with the mc stuff you have listened to so far, but can't encourage you enough to listen to them with tube amps if you have the opportunity at the dealer. Tubes don't have to mean too dark and with rolled off highs. You are going to the trouble of going through this, I think you owe it to yourself to experience what tubes can do with these speakers. You may decide that it's not for you, or that you can't deal with the hassles (heat, etc.), but you may just be blown away.
FM, I'm taking the Snells for the MC and Classe reviews tomorrow. I'm fairly certain there's no tubes in the shop but I will definitely check and press to review if there. I've found a ARC dealer in town but he's not open until Tuesday. I pretty sure he's got tubes as well as Bryston. Then I go out of town to hear the Rowland and the Modwright which does have a tube(ish) pre. I'm having a ball (this is sorta my vacation time) and will keep it up as long as they'll let me! I'e decided I will hear these babies driven by tubes (maybe several amps) before I spend any money. Thanks!