Preamp Suggestions

I am new to higher or mid end equipment. I love my music and would like to get more out of it. I am also a student and of limited funds. If any one has experience with this equip and can help me please share your knowledge. I listen to rock, folk, jazz and am more and more listening to classical. I feel my Dyn audience 50's, NAD c370 sound great with my homemade speaker stands but are lacking an emotional quality. I have a Dual 1219 turntable w/ a Shure V15 II and NAD PP-II phono stage. Main Question is I am looking at purchasing an ADCOM GFP-565 Pre-Amplifier for $300. Does anyone have experience with this piece? or have recommendations. It seems to have good reviews and a good phono stage. Will be adding a DAC and Thorens TD 150 MKII later. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Oh many digital files through computer hence DAC to be added. Is this Pre-amp recomendable and will it help give the music more emotion with out to much taken from the signal path. thsnks
I think I would simply replace the NAD prono preamp with something better, perhaps a Gram Slee Gram Amp2 SE or something similar. I don't think the Adcom will be a step up from your current NAD C370 in most areas of performance...

Thank you both. I am also trying to get a more emotion out of the music, but without flavoring it to much. It is great now but a bit clinical. Would prefer to go solid state and did not know if this pre could help. Or any other suggestions. Thank you all.
I disagree, the NAD phono is the same level as the the one you could get from Radio Shack back in the day, I have had the PP1 and the Adcom GFP 555.
I agree with Rlwainwright-I would keep the NAD for now-which is a very good performer btw. IMO, NAD will sound better than the adcom. Your idea of upgrading the source and/or the phono stage is a good idea. I think you will get the most bang for your buck by upgrading your source. I would also look for used gear to save money. Your speakers are very nice, but can be a tad lean-perhaps a sub to get the bass pumping-that always helps to create more emotion in music and a lack of bass can seem a bit clinical at times?
Tbromgard thank's for your suggestion. I looked into the Dynaudio sub 250 as they are supposedly a match with these speakers tho their review was not all that good. Any Ideas there? Not married to Dynaudio but not looking to change my speakers. On the preamp I am trying to stay with NAD amplifier but the preamp section hasno phono stage.