Preamp Suggestions

I am new to higher or mid end equipment. I love my music and would like to get more out of it. I am also a student and of limited funds. If any one has experience with this equip and can help me please share your knowledge. I listen to rock, folk, jazz and am more and more listening to classical. I feel my Dyn audience 50's, NAD c370 sound great with my homemade speaker stands but are lacking an emotional quality. I have a Dual 1219 turntable w/ a Shure V15 II and NAD PP-II phono stage. Main Question is I am looking at purchasing an ADCOM GFP-565 Pre-Amplifier for $300. Does anyone have experience with this piece? or have recommendations. It seems to have good reviews and a good phono stage. Will be adding a DAC and Thorens TD 150 MKII later. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Oh many digital files through computer hence DAC to be added. Is this Pre-amp recomendable and will it help give the music more emotion with out to much taken from the signal path. thsnks
I agree with you Rleff but the price for a decent used tube pre amp exceed his budget. I was going to ask a little more about the emotion he thinks is missing.
OP have you considered selling your current amp and putting ehough money away to buy a modest used tube integrated. I must tell you tubes are magical things. Tubes are worth the price of adimission.
I owned a GFP-565 and vinyl sounded very decent. But CDs can sound harsh and grainy. After a few months of listening fatigue, I moved up to a tube pre and it was a great improvement.
Since u will be using a DAC and digital files, I would not recommend the adcom.
For $300 I would simply buy a superior dedicated phono preamp...For the record...I used to own the Adcom 565...although i didnt utilize the phono stage at the time...the preamp was a good performer...a touch on the clinical side....but hey....nothings perfect....
I am not familiar with tube buffers? Anyone recommend a tube preamp in conjunction with the NAD or just go all tube. I do like the NAD so maybe a separate tube Pre? And any recommendations remembering price is a large concern. Remember I'm new to this and the learning and gradual step ups and knowing why are important to me. Is an integrated DAC w/ phono something I should keep an eye out for in the future? I know I can't compare a recording with a live performance but the emotion I'm talking about is the tones and inflection in many of the artists I've known to record that way, but while my set up seems to be exacting, also seems to be missing much of that. With the tube I'm just afraid I'd just be creating that rather than reproducing it (letting the recording come through). Sorry for the long winded posts. All your replies are appreciated.
Themgs14 do you have any dealers near you so you could hear what tubes can do;have you heard any particular piece of equipment that you like?