Eggleston spkr owners - which SS or hybrid amp ...

... do you own? Please specify your speaker model as well.
(My Fontaines are being driven by powerful SET. Reason for this poll: curious if I can get nearly same sound with SS or hybrid.)
I know that Mark O'brien from Rogue Audio uses Eggleston in his show set ups. You might want to look into their new hybrid which does have tubes. Ive read good things.
I have use the BAT VK-55SE and BAT VK-75SE with the Rosa's. The 75Se is much better.
I remember hearing a pair of Andra's powered by a VTL S80. Simply stunning.

Impossible to relate exactly what "nearly" means to you. You might be intrigued by the usual benefits of a solid state design for a time. Once bitten, you'll eventually return to the relaxed presentation of tubes. 'Sounds like tubes' is usually a positive, sounds like solid state is, wellÂ…

If you're looking for more deep bass there is no substitution for a modern powered sub with EQ.