Inexpensive Tube Pre?

This weekend I picked up a Conrad Jonhnson PV3 off of CL and connected it to my Sansui integrated. HOLY CRAP does it sound good! I now want tubes in my system!! My question is: Will the $400 Jolida or Dared Tube pre's give me similar sound? I would like to get something new but don't want to spend $1,500 on a new CJ classic pre. I would also like 12ax7 tubes if possible, cause I have a few Telefunkens on hand.... Any suggestions?
Can't say anything about the Jolida - but the Dared SL2000a can be quite good with the right tubes.
hang on though - the PV3 IS a preamp. Aren't you looking for a tube power amp now?
I've got an older Jolida 1000A integrated amp in a second system. It has 12AX7's and EL-34's. It really has that sweet as syrup presentation. I have never heard their pre-amp devices.
I owned a Jolida Envoy Preamp and it has a sweet, lush tube sound. The linestage has 12ax7s and the phonostage uses 12at7s. I did not like the phono sound at all...grainy and not very dynamic. CDs thru the linestage had a very musical presentation, although I would not call it quiet preamp. It might be the high gain tubes that cause this. I rolled in some Amperex NOS and the soundstage really opened up.
I would recommend only if the price was right.
If you don't need a phono stage I would recommend a Consonance T1 pre. It uses 12ua7 so you can't use your tubes. It is tube rectified and point to point wired and for the money very good performance. Best