Inexpensive Tube Pre?

This weekend I picked up a Conrad Jonhnson PV3 off of CL and connected it to my Sansui integrated. HOLY CRAP does it sound good! I now want tubes in my system!! My question is: Will the $400 Jolida or Dared Tube pre's give me similar sound? I would like to get something new but don't want to spend $1,500 on a new CJ classic pre. I would also like 12ax7 tubes if possible, cause I have a few Telefunkens on hand.... Any suggestions?
Thanks all! I don't have a Jolida dealer in WI suprisingly to demo the 5t pre.. And yes Bdgregory, I did think about the tube amp thang(LOL), that would be the logical choice right? I owned a Scott 222 for a short while but departed with it because of service issues. I figured it would be easy just to pop in pre-amp tubes as opposed to biasing an amp. I don't need a phono stage, so I will look up the Consonance suggestion. Really wish I could demo a Dared also.
Why not just keep and use the PV3? I have one in my closet that I will never sell. It's a honey of a preamp and sounds very good. It will find it's way into a second or third system someday.
I have thought about keeping it, but I don't like the fact it discharges DC current (I think?) when you power off. I was also a little concerned about the age of the unit. I would hate to blow my amp or speakers if not turned off in the correct order. But you are right, the sound is fantastic! Tbromgard: Are those "new" PAS 3's any good for $600?
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