Which is REALLY the best Conrad Johnson Preamp

I would like to start a discussion about what you think is the best sounding CJ Preamp. Just because the manufacturer needs to change to sell more boxes and Magazines need advertising dollars doesn't always mean that the sonics have improved. For example some audiophiles like the older art series over the new GAT Preamps and it's lesser siblings. Would like the informed opinions of those lucky audiophiles who have heard both. I like the old CJ sound but haven't heard the new offerings.
Are you including full preamps with phono sections or only line stages w/o phono? Tube or SS?

I have owned and had long-term listening experience with several CJ preamps, but I cannot say that I have heard or could rate them all. There was a large change in the CJ sound starting around 1998, or about the time that the Premier 16 was introduced. So there is a fuzzy line there; some guys prefer the "old" CJ sound, and some (like me) prefer the newer genre of preamps.

Having said that, I think that there are few people who will disagree that the ART and ART-inspired preamps are not amongst the finest preamps on the market.

Here are my favorites, keep in mind that I am a value-oriented buyer. I tend to not acquire the super high cost stuff unless I can find a hell of a deal.

CT-5 - one of the best I have ever heard
CT-6 - almost as good as the CT-5 for considerably less gelt
Premier 17 - all around great performer
Premier 18 - same as above, if you can find one at the right price
PFR - a hell of a SS preamp for the money IMO
PV-10B - not the best sounding, but a heck of a tube preamp for the money
Classic - again, a lot of preamp for the money
I have owned CJ Premier 14, 16 and now the ET5.

There was a dramatic improvement in going from the premier 14 to 16. The 16 was significantly better than the 14 in every way: Wider soundstage, deeper soundstage, more detail and stronger bass.

I never felt the need or desire to upgrade to the ACT/Composite triode series of preamps.

I dropped my premier 16 off at CJ for some repair work one day and started talking to the technician. Based upon his description of the differences between the premier 16 and ET 5 I decided to try the ET5.

Whether the ET5 is better than the premier 16 is a matter of taste. To my ears there are significant differences. Both preamps exhibit the CJ house sound. The premier 16 has the golden glow, more recessed soundstage and stronger bass than the ET5. The ET5 presents more detail, wider soundstage and provides a more forward soundstage.

In summary I really like the ET5 and glad I made the change.
If you ask CJ the only sensible answer is the most expensive currently produced model. I don't know a lot about them but give them credit for using 5751s in a commercial product and personally like the warmth nay virtual glow from the old PV 10. When people ask me for a warm sounding pre I send them to listen to CJ products.
I bought a Premier 10 locally which apparently is the same preamp as the Premier 14 without the remote. I also have a VTL Ultimate which I have used for some time. The VTL is much more neutral but the CJ is more engaging to listen to. It is quite interesting to go back and forth listening to them. The VTL seems more transparent but the CJ has that midrange bloom with better soundstaging. The VTL has better definition and dynamics but the music seems more alive with the CJ. Maybe the CJ is a guilty pleasure. Wondering if these later CJ preamps would be more like the VTL. Seems that the later CJ 16 had better definition than the Premier 14/10 from what I read. With the Premier 10 it is more fun to listen to Classical music . It sure makes CD more listenable!