The Best Compliment You've Gotten On Your Rig?

My brother-in-law entered my home as jazz was playing on my system. After about three songs, the announcer came on and started to speak..and my brother-in-law looked at me with amazement.."that was the radio??!!

He could not believe he was listening to a radio station. It was my killer Sansui TU-X1 tuner doing its thing. Best compliment I could ever receive. My bro-in-law is not an audiophile.
There was that one chick who said:

"Oh my, look at those giant speakers....I want you now!"

That was a pretty good one.
I have a friend who lives in Bali and visits Sydney every year.
After lunch....we inevitably sit down to listen to vinyl, whereupon Pavarotti singing Nessum Dorma on Decca brings tears and uncontrollable sobbing from this wizened old hardnose.

But often a delivery man will look incredulously on his way out and remark....."Do you still play records?!"
Try telling anyone not invested in this stuff how happy you are with your new power supply. The tube amp does elicit some surprise since you can see the tubes, and I just tell people, "don't be frightened". Unless you are hanging with another audiophile it's interesting how hard it is to listen to anything with another person...especially when "entertaining". I always have some background music on (instrumental jazz preferred background stuff), but you look like a jerk if you say..."hey...listen to how GREAT this new LP/CD/Streamed whatever sounds like" and then you MAYBE have 8 seconds before attention goes back to it should actually. It is a solo hobby...a shame really...I remember an entire room of us listening to maybe a new Yes album or something through my fabulous KLH Model 20 (anybody have one of those? The non FM tuner one) in the 70s. I guess we didn't drink as much or something.
A priest from a local church stopped by one day and we were listening to music. I was playing one of David Manley's ViTaL CDs. The music was building and ended with a huge dynamic peak which made the priest yell Jesus! Then with a twinkle in his eye he asked if he could borrow the CD.

I especially like the comments from nonaudiophiles. They are always amazed by the sound.
The Golden Age of high-end is long gone. Back in the 70's, the few shops known for high-end gear were the local hang outs for the likes of us aspiring audiophiles to learn about and discover the latest new gear, listen to music and revel in the hobby. That's where it all happened then. Those were the good old days.