Amps for Klipschorn speakers

I am in the market for a tube power amp and pre amp to use with my 1980s Klipschorn speakers. I will be using a turntable as well as a CD player. I am a musician and have a studio that is good size where this stereo will be located. I like to sometimes play fairly loud although what I am really looking for is quality of sound on this system. For a budget maybe $3-$5000 on each piece. Used amps are fine with me. I listen to rock, blues, pop, etc. Right now, I have an old 70s Marantz 250 power amp with a Marantz 3300 pre amp hooked up to the Klips. I am a musician and not an audiophile so I know very little about good stereo equipment but I want to take a big step up in sonic quality. I appreciate the help as I am ready to acquire the amps. Thanks...
Check out this amp over at Audio Asylum

Mark, I don't know enough to know what I am looking at. Can you tell me why I should consider this amp? Thanks...
12 wpc SET. Your Khorns should sing with it. I know you were inquiring about separates, and this is an integrated, but for the price how can you go wrong? It has 2 inputs, one for your turntable and one for your CD player. If it doesn't work out you could always get your separates and keep this as a spare in case an amp or pre amp ever goes in for repair. Or you could re sell it and probably not loose any $$.

*I have no affiliation with the seller of that amp*