When to go solid state vs. vacuum?

I am looking to upgrade my system into a good 2ch system (hopefully adding vinyl playback) but also being able to do nice HT sound.

I am currently working on new speaker considerations but it may be likely that they will benefit from a dedicated amp....how to choose which type and which one?

I have an integra dtr40.1 that has some very nice features and can function as my pre-amp, and using it that way may be a good place to start. That said, I am new and ignorant to most things regarding standalone amps. Where are vacuum tubes appropriate and where are slowed state appropriate? I have heard both and at least for music I prefer the vacuum tubes, is there any reason why they can't ideally be used for HT as well?

I realize this is a bit of a nebulous thread but I need a starting point.

Tube amps are my preference by a wide margin. The best ss amp I owned (Plinius SA-102) was decent, but it failed to convey emotion the way similarly priced tube amps do. All other ss amps I've owned where disappointing (tired models from BAT, Simaudio, YBA, Musical Fidelity, Forte and a few others).

Not sure what your budget is, but a great beginner tube amp is the McIntosh MC-275 (about $3,200 used). Great sound, dependable and power exceeding it's 75 wpc rating.
I suggest you go and listen to a bunch of speakers in your price range and a few above it and a good local dealership. Select the speakers and then select an amp to drive that particular speaker in your particular room and at the volume level that you prefer. You should be able to hear the differences between SS and tubes on a good pair of speakers. Once you have decided on the speakers and know what their requirements are, you may want to ask the question again. But that is how I would start the process. It should be fun so enjoy it.
Yes. Its dependant on your taste in music and of course your ear. I run tube but will be seeking out some ss gear that's more laid back because I'm major OCD and when a output tube goes I flip. Ill keep the tubes because I don't want to miss and regret selling them. There's some ss gear out now that doesn't present that hard edge. I'm holding out to see what the new Ayre AX-5 integrated sounds like and it could be awhile before its on the market.
Choose your speakers first, then what type of amplification best suits those (1)speakers and (3)upstream components, within your budget, in your room, at the volume levels you desire, with sound characteristics that are most important to you, best fit the accommodations you can provide, with the level of maintenance you are prepared to offer, and the level of value you expect to maintain.
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