My own experience with this has actually been something along the lines of Dracule1 - except, and I don't want to talk over him on this, that I never really accepted that the Goldpoint SMD (yes, SMD!, and honestly anyone is free to go ahead and laugh if they feel so inclined, but I have rather liked them) series attenuators that I installed inside the rear of a pair of SM-70 Pro balanced monoblocks...that they were somehow actually *Better* than a $3k linestage. Just that they were to me pretty much 'on par' with one, but for a tenth of the price. Would my ears tell me I'd prefer the pre?? Oh, in a sense at least, it's not easy for me to imagine otherwise, but I guess it's just that for me, my pockets usually aren't as deep as most in this hobby, for which I have never, and never will, complain about to anyone - but, 90% of they way there for (in this case) a tenth of the cost was about impossible for me to resist. At least until I finally buy that winning lottery ticket, that is! ;) Cheers.