If you locate a tube vender that has some Bendix 6106,
request a 1950s vintage with matched sides.This tube was made into the 1970s.
A quick way to discribe a Bendix 6106 is log onto Tube World.com
Type in Bendix 6106 on their page,they will have a close up picture of a Joint Army and Navy [JAN] 50s vintage.
Yes the 6F6g is used by afew Supratek preamp owners including myself.
If you locate a tube vender that has some Bendix 6106,
request a 1950s vintage with matched sides.This tube was made into the 1970s.
A quick way to discribe a Bendix 6106 is log onto Tube World.com
Type in Bendix 6106 on their page,they will have a close up picture of a Joint Army and Navy [JAN] 50s vintage.
Yes the 6F6g is used by afew Supratek preamp owners including myself.