I love Natalie Cole's Take a Look and Diana Krall's Love Scenes Track 11 My Love The finger snap and stand up bass blows me away. What recordings do you listen to when you want your equipment to shine? Also looking for great recordings that have great acoustic sounds? Thanks Greg
Of late:

Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different
Taylor Deupree - Shoals
Cars - Complete Greatest Hits (the Rhino collection)
all of the Sakamoto/Noto collaborations

...and, much to my surprise:

Guided By Voices - Under The Bushes, Under The Stars

Marantz CD6004
Adcom GFP-565
McCormack DNA-1
Polk LSi9 speakers
@ Zmanastronomy: Yes, I have, on cd. But it's been quite a while since I have...
The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra on the S&M CD really sets this Metallica piece apart from the rest.
Great depth and imaging with a driving force that has several of my friends wanting to hear it again and again.
Agree with Zman. This is the place for audiophiles curious about MEtallica to start.