The idea of balanced circuit is to separate negative signal from positive and from the ground. In conventional RCA unbalanced connection we only have one signal terminal and ground while in balanced circuit we have Negative, Positive signals and ground.
If RCA output in the same component let's say CD-player is specified 2V, than for balanced it's +2V on positive 'leg' and -2V on negative 'leg'. The total output voltage is sum of magnitudes giving 4V. Very simple math.
The idea of balanced circuit is to separate negative signal from positive and from the ground. In conventional RCA unbalanced connection we only have one signal terminal and ground while in balanced circuit we have Negative, Positive signals and ground.
If RCA output in the same component let's say CD-player is specified 2V, than for balanced it's +2V on positive 'leg' and -2V on negative 'leg'. The total output voltage is sum of magnitudes giving 4V. Very simple math.