NOS KT 88s or GE 6550s

I am currently running a quad of Gold Lion KT 88s in my Conrad Johnson LPS 70 power amp. At considerable expense I can switch to NOS KT 88s or GE 6550s. Would this be a sideways move or a real improvement over the current production Gold Lions ? Would appreciate the advice/comments of CJ or ARC power amp owners who have made the switch. Unfortunately a demo in my system is not possible.
Many thanks in advance.
I did send a mail to CJ in early July regd the KT-120s. No response. I should have followed up. In any case I got a quad of GL KT 88s as a replacement for the Winged C 6550s.
I think you just convinced me! I am trying to work out some sort of refund deal with the Singapore dealer for the NOS GE 6550s, in case things dont work out.Are there major differences between the GE and Jan 6550A , both NOS ?
Many thanks
KT120s continue to rack up the cred...I stuck a set of them in a newer Jolida 502p that wasn't designed for them (I did check with Jolida and they insisted the extra heater burden was non issue) and stood back in case the amp was gonna hasn't and it's been many months. I'd like to try a set of GL kt88s (I like the way they look...lame but true) but somehow I can't justify pulling the 120s since they sound so good. Your results may vary of course, but I still have never heard of anybody's amp transformer melting from the extra juice demand of 120s...I think it's a myth, but what the hell do I know?
Well, it make take a few years before damage happens. This of course depends how over built the heater winding of the transformer is. Obviously 4 KT-120's would be less of a burden than 8 etc.
Just as points of reference regarding heater current draw:

GE 6550A: 1.6A
Genalex KT88 (1974 vintage): 1.6A
Ei KT90: 1.6A
SED =C= 6550C and KT88: 1.65A
Tung-Sol KT120: 1.8A
Original Tung-Sol 6550: 1.8A

conrad-johnson has given its blessing to using the KT120 from at least the Premier 11A onward for its amplifier product line.

Whether there is any damage down the road is doubtful IMO, but only time will tell. I do know that many c-j owners are using the KT120 with no reported difficulties so far. Personally, I prefer the Tung-Sol reissue 6550 to the KT120, but that's a matter of taste.

I've also used the GE 6550A and it's an excellent sounding tube, and few match it, again IMO. Whether you think it's worth the extra cost is unfortunately something only you can ultimately decide.
I've been told that the transformer would get into trouble sooner than later if the KT120s were incompatible somehow...but my informal research results remain: Happy KT120 users in the thousands, reported transformer deaths 0. It will be a sad day when all these overworked transformers give it up. I do like the Tung Sol 6550s that came with my amp and I swap 'em in when I'm bored or have a need to burn my fingers, and I also have a set of Sovtek KT88s that sound fine but lack the groovy gold lettering of the Gold Lions, so there's that. I understand the gold lettering makes them sound 13% better than otherwise.