Primaluna Dialog Two Integrated Amp vs Cayin A-88T

I am going to put together a tube system around one of these integrated amps. I'm wondering if anyone here has compared the two amps. They are about the same price, the Primaluna is rated at 38 watts per channel, the Cayin is at 45 watts. They both use KT-88 tubes. I haven't selected speakers yet, but I am leaning towards Harbeth 7es-3. Any comments/opinions would be appreciated.
Ericsh, this is not exactly on point, but I do have a Primaluna Prologue One and a Cayin T100, close to your request but no cigar.

So FWIW, I use the One with EL34's (in preference to a Prologue Three & Five combo, which I also own, with KT88's - the One has a slightly warmer balance and concurrently less definition than the 3/5).

The Cayin T100 with stock tubes was cool in tone, you could call it bright but I think the problem was not in the highs, more an absence in the lower mids/upper bass. I changed out ALL of the stock tubes! With those changes I now have speed, resolution, and some warmth. I highly prefer the Cayin as presently tubed. I went thru a raft of tubes with the PL and I'm presently using stock (EH) small tubes and SED EL34's.

My stereo is on all day so I use the PL when I'm not sitting in the sweat spot - its a lot cheaper, and frankly not that bad.

Both units have been in the house over 4 years and there have been no reliability issues. I did have some with the 3/5 and found the dealer/distributor flawless in providing fast and effective service.

Hope that helps a bit.
Thanks, Newbee. Maybe I missed something, I'm new to tubes. But what did you use for replacements when you changed the Cayin "stock tubes"?
I used re-issue Tung-Sol 6550s for power tubes, EI 6CG7's, EH12AX7, and JJ/Tesla 12AU7's. The Tung-Sols have solid bass with a bit of warmth in the upper bass. They are not additive in the higher frequencies as are many of the KT88's, just right I think. FWIW, they were somewhat dark in the PL 3/5 and the One.
What about customer service? I know Rogue is fantastic being located in Pennsylvania.

Rhljazz. Can I put KT120's in my Cronus Magnum? What might I expect to hear as opposed to KT90's?
If you are asking about Cayin I have had several contacts with the distributor and found him to be very responsive, i.e. return calls same day, and he provided usful information. He services the product and I have no reason to suspect he is less efficient. As I said, so far I've not needed him. :-)