Looking for DAC suggestions

I am looking for a good DAC for my boyfriend. He has a Mcintosh 275 amp and he is now looking to buy a DAC( the one he was looking into was Anedio D2, which is currently out of stock). I want to buy him a DAC under $2000 for his birthday and I dont have any idea about DAC's and which one is good. Can someone suggest a good DAC which will work well with his Mcintosh 275 amp.
How and where can my single, audiophile friends find a girlfriend like you? You are a rare find; I hope your boyfriend appreciates your efforts! I wish I could help with a DAC; so many to choose from. Some friends swear by the Shiit Bifrost DAC; very competitively priced but maybe not on the quality level of McIntosh.
Wow what a cool girlfriend you are. Do you know if he has a preamp or does he need a DAC with volume control to directly connect to the amp? You could get 10 suggestions here that might all be good I would suggest the bryston BDA 1 personally if he has a preamp to control volume.
If he has a preamp to control volume already these are just a couple among many really good ones. A Metrum Octave(1100.00) for a richer warm and musical sound or a Moon 300d(1600.00) for a slightly lighter and sweet musical sound. Having said that you want it to match the sound of his other stereo pieces. You might tell us what he has in the way of stereo equipment and also some of his favorite music and if you know what he likes about it. Some individuals here can be of some real help. Have fun.
Do you have a sister? Oh wait, I'm married ...

Anyway, I'd say give Bill at Morningstar Audio a call and order an Eastern Electric DAC Plus with an upgraded tube and the DEXA discrete op-amps. I think total price for that setup is around $1300. That's a seriously high end DAC that will compliment his Mac well.