Experienced Jolida amp owners - Advice needed

Looking for feeback on which is the best tube integrated for a newbie. (102,202,302brc) I live in a condo and don't crank up the volume. My speakers are Paradigm mini monitor v3. My musical tastes are all over the board, I listen to all styles... I would be fine with learning how to bias the amp, just looking for the best sounding unit.
I wanted to stay under $1,000 is possible. The Prima Luna and Cayin are just out of my reach at this time. I don't think I want to gamble on a an Ebay cheap amp either... I have read alot about the 102, seems to be a great value? i have read about reliability issues with the 302, but that has the auto-bias which is nice.
Jolida makes great stuff, and you really don't need "auto bias" if you own a small screwdriver and the amp is an "ez-bias" model. Takes about 46 seconds to bias 4 tubes.
If your speakers are fairly sensitive/efficient (88dB+), the 102b with some tube-rolling would be sublime. How big is the room?
I listen "near-field" at medium to low volumes so I don't think the wattage will be much of an issue. It sounds like the 102 is the way to go....Thanks for the input!
I have a 102 I used the last month ,and have used as a back-up for about 6 years,very sweet ,fun to listen to,makes bad recordings sound good,good recordings sound good,detail is ok and bass could be tighter,but it has a good balance overall,and is footstomping fun to listen to.And can be modded to sound very good,from what ive been told.Better tubes will make a nice improvement.You are making a good choice! Have fun!Ray