Experienced Jolida amp owners - Advice needed

Looking for feeback on which is the best tube integrated for a newbie. (102,202,302brc) I live in a condo and don't crank up the volume. My speakers are Paradigm mini monitor v3. My musical tastes are all over the board, I listen to all styles... I would be fine with learning how to bias the amp, just looking for the best sounding unit.
If your speakers are fairly sensitive/efficient (88dB+), the 102b with some tube-rolling would be sublime. How big is the room?
I listen "near-field" at medium to low volumes so I don't think the wattage will be much of an issue. It sounds like the 102 is the way to go....Thanks for the input!
I have a 102 I used the last month ,and have used as a back-up for about 6 years,very sweet ,fun to listen to,makes bad recordings sound good,good recordings sound good,detail is ok and bass could be tighter,but it has a good balance overall,and is footstomping fun to listen to.And can be modded to sound very good,from what ive been told.Better tubes will make a nice improvement.You are making a good choice! Have fun!Ray
Jolida makes good tube amps.
My first tube amp was a 502RC with quad 12L2 speakers.
I thought they sounded great, but it all up to your ears, see if there is a local dealer so you can compare them for your self, even with your speakers.
Has anyone had experience with Psvane tube amps from Grant Fidelity? The prices are very good and seem to have everything I want. (2 inputs, self-biasing, 25 watts...)