Capacitor question

I have BAT VK-150se amps powering SF Amati Homage speakers. I replaced the stock BAT/Jensen POI caps with CuTF V-Caps. There is a lot more detail now, however, the sound is thinner, brighter and fatig
Hello Cathode,
My question was based on curiosity and considering value/sonic performance cost ratio.No BAT is`nt a non profit organization,that was`nt my point at all(I`m a strong supporter of capitalism and free enterprise by the way).My perspective is why not use the better sounding film caps in the power supply and charge accordingly.The companies can get better pricing on these parts than an individual buying in the aftermarket. For example my 300b SET has an all film power suuply and retails for less than the BAT(I assume a profit margin is factored into my amplifier)If my assumption is wrong then I stand corrected.I see amplifiers and speakers that are 20,000 dollars and higher that sometimes use1- 2 dollar caps or cheap resistors(some companies, certainly not all). It just seems in 'some' cases they could select higher quality parts that`s all.
Hi Jallen,
You know people who directly compared V-Caps to Duelund(CAST or VSF versions) and preferred the V-Cap 'sonically' or in terms of relative value?
Charles1dad, in an SET The power supply is a lot more critical than it is in a fully differential amplifier! IOW an all-film power supply in such an amplifier will not have nearly the effect that it has in an SET.
Charles, not all agree that smaller value film caps can replace or sound better then those big can computer grade caps in the power supply. The film caps used in these power supplies are usually far lower uf values and proponents say that these small values are better and all that is needed with film caps in the power supply.

Others say no to this idea and say you need lots of capacitance that can only come from those large can computer grade caps. For example my tube preamp is loaded with those large can caps and has oodles of capacitance. It sounds heavenly and the builder argues that smaller value film caps just don't cut it. Other builders use the film caps with success and thus not all agree... Surprise:-)

I am currently building a tube amp using large can Mallory caps with uf ratings as high as 3300uf in the power supply. Sure I am putting them in series, but the total capacitance of the supply will still be far higher then film caps.

This subject intrigues me and I may actually try using some Clarity TC film caps in my power supply after I have had a good chance to listen to the large can caps.
I appreciate the clarification. I did`nt know power supply quality is more crucial in a SET amplifier.It makes sense as I know the maker of my SET refuses to use electrolytic capacitors.

I agree with you, this topic and the different approaches are intriging. Some believe in large power supply capacitance storage and other builders don`t. There`s always more than one sucessful pathway.