building the best system I can?

If a friend had $5000 dollars to spend on audio gear and asked you for help in putting together a system revolving around a pair of paradigm studio 20's v5, what would you suggest?
It depends on the particular McCormack amp, they have differing considerations.
Unsound, what other paragigms have you heard? Just curious, as I also have studio 20's v.5, and if there are speakers that would recommend maybe I will check them out too. Also, what do you think of a classe ssp 25 pre amp mated to a classe ca 150?
Had I $5k cash and a pair of $1300 speakers (regardless of make) I'd first listen to a boat load of other speakers (in the $4k to $3k range, new/used) to verify that I really do like them best. I'd likely lean towards selling the speakers and using that dough to buy a front end (to be upgraded at some point in the future). Then split the $5k amongst new/used speakers (~$3k) and integrated amp (~$2k). But I am among those who prefer to spend more of my budget on speakers than other gear., I have heard many, but not very recently, and didn't bother to remember what any of them were called.
Rockadanny-I'm not sure I am convinced that spending 3/4 of a $5000 budget on speakers is a wise ratio in putting together a system. Speakers are just one component in a audio system and that doesn't leave alot of room for other important components.

As far as the studio 20's go they are what I have on hand and what I intend to use unless someone can convince me otherwise. I am not opposed to changing speakers but my budget is geared towards in putting together a system that will help me get the most out of what I have.

This day and age it is very diffecult to audition speakers by different manufacturers because dealers just don't carry the inventory they did 20 years ago. That is why a web site such as Audiogon is so helpful because the diversity of the populas is vast and knowledgable. So I am putting myself at the mercy of people who have greater knowledge than I do in helping me put together this audio system I seek.