Dminches, do you have a way to test your NOS TS6550's? I don't want to alarm you but those old Tungsol's, in good condition, are quite rare. I ran across 8 of them quite some time ago and was looking forward to hearing them in a pair of CJ's I used to own.
Initial listening was rather disappointing, with sluggish dynamics, rolled off highs and wimpy bass. Testing on my Hickock revealed they were on their last leg but fortunately I was able to return them.
I've been told those tubes are among the best of the 6550/KT88 types ever made so would think you'd get reasonably good bass.
Initial listening was rather disappointing, with sluggish dynamics, rolled off highs and wimpy bass. Testing on my Hickock revealed they were on their last leg but fortunately I was able to return them.
I've been told those tubes are among the best of the 6550/KT88 types ever made so would think you'd get reasonably good bass.