Amplifier for Tekton speakers

I am looking for a tube amplifier to mate with Tekton Lore. Anyone has a successful story with your amp and Tekton Lore or similar?

My music tastes 80% with pop and easy listening jazz/soft rock.

Any directions or suggestions are appreciated.
I've just purchased an Almarro 205 MK II with Teflon V Cap upgrade for my brother from a fellow A' gonner; he is going to use it with the Tekton M-Lore in a second system. Before my brother picks this up we are going to check it out in my system with the Lore. If I like the Teflon V-Cap I'll upgrade also with the V-Cap or something else after doing some research.
I'm using a Trafomatic Aries with my lore's with vintage Mullards and find the combo perfect. I have similar tastes to you and the Aries constantly surprises me with how well it can punch out the rock/pop. On jazz and vocals it's just magic. It took for me to get my head around 6wpc being enough. To the point I purchased a used Cayin A50T to see if some more power would be better. It wasnt long before the Cayin was up for sale again.
I would like to keep this rolling for a little bit. I also just purchased a pair of the Lores. They should arrive in the next week or so. I currently have a Jolida jd502p, about 60 watts.I am curious if there are any satisfying SET amps out there that wouldn't break the bank.In particular my bank of under $1500.Also can the Lores really sound good on less 15 to 20 watts (i.e.2-3 watts)in a room 20x17x9. I listen to mostly rock,jazz and am starting to get into more small acoustic stuff.
Thanks in advance.
10-12-12: Wilson667
Also can the Lores really sound good on less 15 to 20 watts (i.e.2-3 watts)in a room 20x17x9. I listen to mostly rock,jazz and am starting to get into more small acoustic stuff.
I ran a 3-watt 2A3 SET amp with the Lores in a 12' x 13' room and it was enough for most of my listening. It would not be enough for me in your room except for low level small acoustic stuff.
My room is 16x14x9 and the answer is yes, Wilson; but not likely in your size room. The Almarro can play louder than I want to listen. I listen to a wide variety of music, almost any genre except Rap.