Amplifier for Tekton speakers

I am looking for a tube amplifier to mate with Tekton Lore. Anyone has a successful story with your amp and Tekton Lore or similar?

My music tastes 80% with pop and easy listening jazz/soft rock.

Any directions or suggestions are appreciated.
So at this stage it still seems most prefer valves with their Tekton's. Interesting!
Sophia Electric 91-01 300B monos have amazing dynamics, great high and low frequency extension and bass impact. These amps can rock - or "Pop" in your case. Listening to electronica as I write, actually. Plus they don't cost oodles. I purchased them as a step towards a low wattage tube system. until I can afford more efficient speakers, they surprisingly drive my Rega R5's (89dB/6ohm) nicely with only 8 watts. Using a Shindo Aurieges pre-amp by the way.
Zman - I read that you have Almarro A318B. Have you ever hooked it up with Tekton Lore? If so how does it sound?
Nguyen, I had the Almarro A318B on the Lores and it was a fantastic combo. The Almarro has quite a bit of bass with SET mids and wonderfully smooth and extended highs.
Very high current that made the Lore's very lively and dynamic. I thought it was a great marriage.

Not too many Heed owners around; glad you chimed in. I like the review that Johnny Darko did on them awhile back.

I also hope to hear from CJ SS and Pass Labs owners.

I spoke to Eric today, and dang if I forgot to ask him about SS amps. I got side-tracked on something he mentioned and didn't remember until coming back to this thread.