I personally like using SS amp with a tube preamp.
For a tube preamp check out -
* Belles 21A Auricap Linestage preamp at $1,200,
* Primaluna Prologue Three preamp at $1,100,
* Eastern Electric Minimax preamp at $700
The first two preamps put you at the limit of your budget BUT you have a heck of a pre/amp combo. The last preamp is still a nice choice for less money. I do not have access to Blue Book prices so you'd need to to confirm fair market price for the preamps.
My friend runs a tube preamp into his Emotiva. Makes for a nice combination and a bit more musical versus the two other SS preamps he tried.
For a tube preamp check out -
* Belles 21A Auricap Linestage preamp at $1,200,
* Primaluna Prologue Three preamp at $1,100,
* Eastern Electric Minimax preamp at $700
The first two preamps put you at the limit of your budget BUT you have a heck of a pre/amp combo. The last preamp is still a nice choice for less money. I do not have access to Blue Book prices so you'd need to to confirm fair market price for the preamps.
My friend runs a tube preamp into his Emotiva. Makes for a nice combination and a bit more musical versus the two other SS preamps he tried.