Best solid state amp upgrade from NAD 214?

Hello all. I'm looking to upgrade from my NAD 214 amp and NAD 1000 preamp. I just purchased some Gallo Reference 3.5 speakers with the Gallo SA sub amp, and I think it's time to move to a better amp and preamp. I'm thinking the amp should be first. I want to spend under $2000 ideally and am open to used equipment as well. Any ideas?
Parasound NewClassic 2100 preamp and 2250 amp or Parasound Halo P3 and A23. Contact me directly for details. 914-438-4988
One of the biggest upgrades I've done was when I went from an Adcom solid state GTP preamp (450?) to a quicksliver linestage with my NAD 214. The jump in performance was huge. I'm not familiar with the NAD 1000 but I wouldn't be surprised if you got the same gains I got.

After the Quicksilver, I went through several more expensive power amps before I found one that was much better than the 214. That there is a pretty good amp.
Wow. That's all good to hear about the NAD 214. There's one on ebay for about $100...maybe I should get a second one and get increased power by bridging them, and replace the preamp to start out my experimentations. Thanks for the feedback
I bridged a pair of 214s and really didn't notice much improvement, but if you can get one for $100 then what the heck, maybe with your speakers it may help (I had Magnepan MG12s at the time)
Bridging increases 1 ch. power but you have to use 8 ohm spks. I personally would not get the extra amp for that reason alone. You'll notice louder but not necessarily better quality sound. Go for a better pre-amp and use quality yet afforable interconnects and spk. wires. Also, look into APC power conditioners, surge protectors and voltage regulators. I got their $200 model (model # escapes me @ the moment) and for the $ extremely well worth every penny.