$18k Tube preamp for large scale symphonies please

hi, can anyone suggest tube preamp that's good for handling complex music & large scale symphonies recordings in studio/ theatres? i had audition some: Aesthetix, CJ ,Modwright, Audio Note, ARC but all seems lacking in some ways and definitely not enough air at top octaves and instruments separation/ spaciousness. all dealer agrees that some pre is good at certain genre of music and sound Great even more if music is relatively SIMPLE like vocal, jazz, light acoustic, slow rock and maybe pop songs. Yes i know personal taste varies as well: bass strength & high freq. extension etc. & gears matching too. could anyone share their expreience so i can narrow down a list? my music typically: Van Hellsing & Princess Mononoke movie soundtrack. hope dealers provide constructive comments. Thanks All in advance. -phil
12-25-12: Charles1dad
Are you considering any solid state preamps as well?
Charles1dad (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
That's the last thing he needs, more choices. LOL!!!
Hi Knghifi,
Phillip listens very intently and I`m curious to know if he`s tried any transistor preamps.Maybe he`s been there and done that already.There`re so many good choices in audio components you can find exacty what you want if you`re patient.It worked out that way for me, so it can for anyone else.
One good choice is the Canary C900 four-chassis monoblock preamp, comprised of two power supplies and two preamps. Works especially well with complex music.
Charles1dad, I think most of us listen intensely. Now I'm wondering if he's barking up the wrong tree.

Philipwu, what systems are you demoing the pres? amp, speakers, cables ...? What ARC you find not good with orchestra music?

There are so many variables ... just using a wrong PC, tube, impedance mismatch between amp and pre ... could upset system synergy.

If we have the context of your demos, maybe we can offer some suggestions but I think ultimately you will need to find experienced local audiophiles to assist you.
i had heard a couple of SS pre like MBL, Ayre KXR, JeffRowland, Pass Labs, EmmLabs, Simaudio, Spectral etc... they all have the qualities of good SS but their note's extension/decays seems stiff.

i wonder if anyone else,other than Charles, is familiar with the CSL or heard it before, it's really special,it WOW me within 5 seconds, as for VAC SIG, it amazed me after 20sec into the music. i'm sure anyone whom heard the CSL would agree that it's extraordinary in every way(whether it's your cup of tea is another story though) especially the special ambience effect that's so clear and its decay are very organic and airy,it's airyness is floating around you, in your space. The airyness other gears often convey is the black darkness silence where you hear the music emanates from.
i like to refer to a review in Dagogo by Doug Schroeder, he describe VAC sig in contrast to P.A.D Silver Statement preamp: "general sonic character of the Purity Audio Design and the VAC preamp reminds me of the loose classification I have made between all copper and silver conductor cables. Copper tends to be thicker, denser and tonally turned down. The silver tends to be thinner, airier and tonally turned up"
Given my taste, i would strive to get rid of the tonally down effect, and prefer the CSL airier effect. It's this tonally down effect that many gears have and make me hear the music emanates from black (quietness)background. i'm not sure if people here understand my analogy and i tried my best to described. Maybe different people hear music differently, so i just wanna thank everyone whom had tried to guide me in any way.

Lloydelee21,you make out a very good point, guess i overlooked the actual recording itself and too focus on working the gears to my preferred "coloration". but somehow playing thru CSL,i could hear a difference in soundstage with reduce "darkness background" effect compare to Aesthetcs, CJ...

Rtn1, Thanks for sharing your experience, i had a quick read over your system page and Wow...Congratulation for achieving the ultimate realism with your system. i'll try to learn more of your system and see how to make it work for me, but gotta admit i don't have your kind of budget, certainly make me envious, thanks for appearing here. BTW, how much is the street price for Rex?

Knghifi, i appreciate your guidance especially rolling tubes, so much to learn! BTW, VAC is out because no Balance volume control. i'm unsure about the "darkness" effect that many many gears have can be eliminated by way of synergy? i think Atmasphere has already identified as IM distortion. My cd player already had it and due to "it", the sound has rich harmonics(read as warmth) played thru my YBA pre. As Doug Schroeder mention in one of his review, saying multiple components of warmth may "yielded a very thick and weighty sound".