I'll have to echo Lenny's comments above. We both have Nagra PLL's on the Nagra VFS anti vibration plates. I am sure there are better preamps...but this one seems to do almost everything pretty right, little wrong.
I did compare it Aesthetix Callisto (much bigger stage) Ayre KXR, much better resolution/more quiet and my BAT VK51SE (more umpph in the mids)...the nagra just seems to split things down the middle.
One day soon I do want to try the Lamm and the Allnic (another to add to your list)
I did compare it Aesthetix Callisto (much bigger stage) Ayre KXR, much better resolution/more quiet and my BAT VK51SE (more umpph in the mids)...the nagra just seems to split things down the middle.
One day soon I do want to try the Lamm and the Allnic (another to add to your list)