Opinion on the GFA 5802

Just purchase this amp at at a really good price with a GFP-565 pre. Anybody experience with this amp? Im using it to power some DIY Dayton Audio speakers.
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
The 5800 and 5802 models were based on contracted design work done by Nelsen Pass. I have owned both. I liked the 5800 better sonically as it had a noticeably better bottom end in my system (deeper, more impact). I did not like the fan noise however. I think you would be happy with the 5802 and agree with other posters who say it's a big step up design-wise from the 555.

While these Adcoms are well built and an even better value at used prices, they getting older. Just a slight caution that it may not be that easy to get it repaired if something goes wrong as some parts are not readily available. I know this from personal experience.
Thanks Barrysandy for your comment. What makes the 5802 different from the 5800 model besides having the cooling fan on the 5800? Thanks
Not a lot. The 5802 has higher output by 50 watts/ch but the 5800 is a little heavier by 8 lbs. - maybe larger transformer although I can't be sure as they look very similar.