Pass or First Watt

My speakers will operate great on 2 watts. Currently I am running them with a nice 2a3 tube amp but at times the tubes make alot of noise thru the speakers so I have been looking at Nelsons new STI @10 watts or the Pass 30.5. Any one compare the Pass with any First Watt products?
Thanks, I read the entire thread. Also found a new review by Dick Oshler and it was very favorable. I might have to give it a try.
Hi Bob,
It`s hard to know if it would be better than your SET amp or just different. I agree with you the only way to positively know is to get it in your system.
I`m curious to hear it and compare to my Coincident Frankenstein 300b SET. So far it is the best I`ve heard(for my priorities and taste) especially with the marvelous Takasuki 300b tubes in place.No amplifier is without some flaw or degree of compromise in some aspect of performance.It really boils down to what particular characteristics matter most to a listener.
Best of luck and sucess to you.
Mark at Reno HiFi is good at answering those sorts of questions...... and at sending one, the other or both out for audition.
What are your current speakers?There`re a number of 2A3 amps available, which amp and what brand/type 2A3 tube do you have? I understand EML makes an excellent mesh and solid plate 2A3.

My speakers are Lamhorns, I just started using the 2a3 amp and prior to that a Ait Tight 300b amp. I have not done any tube rolling yet with the 2a3 so Iknow that I can improve to my taste the sound and the EML mesh is on my short list.