Class D amps?

Are there any Class D amps today that avoid the pit falls of the older Class D amps? ie: roll off of the top end for one.
Here is the Stereophile writeup on teh BEl Canto ref10000M Class D monoblocks that I use.

These were very well received in all aspects and I would agree that the sound overall at least with my gear is hard to fault, though the biggest strengths lie other than at the extreme top end of the audio spectrum, which most guys my age can no longer hear effectively anyway, and not much really occurs musically. I'm not sure there is anything there to indicate any significant rolloff of the top end? How about in comparison to other comparable amps?
I understand the hypex ncore amp is the latest and greatest class d.

I have the impression that the guys who say they dislike class d are soon fooled when then circuit has a tube input driver stage.

I guess its like adding a little salt and pepper to the meal.
There are a couple of threads going on Audiocircle in the low wattage circle about the TBI Millenia MG3. This is a class BD amp that people are comparing favorably to much more expensive class A amps and even set amps.

You truly MUST HEAR the Veritas monos by Merrill Audio. They do NOT need any tubes to sound amazing. They do NOT need a linear power supply to sound amazing. I know of several, nameless, long time Audiophiles/Industry people who have heard them expecting to "hear the usual class D sound" and they were total AMAZED by the great sound from top to bottom. The Ncore NC1200 tech that the Veritas is based on is being talked about in the industry as a 'Game Changer" and for the first time, making long time "ONLY CLASS A" SS/tube amp builders wondering what to do as the NC1200 is that good.

I can tell you that the Veritas gives you more then just the NC1200 tech for your money. Talk to Merrill, he is more then happy to spend the time answering your questions and has the necessary background. Try and set up a demo.

Regardless what you do, good luck.