Low Voltage problem What type PLC use?


I am living in Hong Kong where it's 220V. However, my house only got 208V. The soundstage from my hifi collapse and it lacks of power and focus all the time.

Pls kindly advise what type of power line product should be used to solve this problem? A power plant, isolated transformer, or power line conditioner?

Thanks a lot.
If the Hong Kong electrical system standard is anything like that of the UK, with a lower limit of -6%, then 208V is within normal voltage tolerance range.
I don't know, the OP did state that the voltage standard is 220VAC. This to me means that if your equipment was designed to operate at 220VAC, the 208VAC may trigger problems. I know that for my Audio Research REF 3, if the voltage dropped by the same percentage here, it would go into low voltage shut down. Turn Table motors won't run correctly at such a low voltage. It sounds like a pretty large issue to me.

If low voltage is indeed the problem, a voltage regulator like those from Furman should solve that issue. Here's a link to the Furman distributor in Hong Kong, Sanecore Audio:

