Modern amp that has warmth and sound of B&K?

I am currently quite happy with my used B&K st-140 (105 watt) mated with a Nova Pre and current model ZU Omen Defs. The sound I am getting is warm and "groovy" FLOABT. However, upon reading, I realize the life of this amp to where it needs upgraded (caps, etc) could be quite short due to its age. I thought of the musical designs elite upgrade for the B&K for about $600. But, I could also just enjoy it unit it's end and just go with a newer amp.

One make that intrigues me is Vincent hybrid. The silkiness of tubes sound appealing..but would love to keep the warm, deepness that my current B&K offers. It seems the vincent could be the best of both worlds. However, the B&K is total SS and offers the flavor of sound I like.

No matter what amp I look up (Passlabs, Modwright, Bryston, etc), there are people who think they are too bright or too dark. I realize much has to do with the other components as well.

I also hear that Klaus at Odyssey will bias an amp to your liking (Khartgos look nice)

Many moons ago I used an ST140, and went to a conrad-johnson ss amp, the c-j was similar in many ways, but better in all.
Don't confuse silkiness with darkness. It's possible to get a very silky sounding amp that is also quite bright sounding. Just like it is possible for an amp to be dark and harsh. I owned the B&K years ago, and while I would not call it's sound silky, it was smooth (sort of) for an inexpensive ss amp. It was also dark sounding. It is very reminiscent of the tonal color of earlier CJ amps; golden/amber vs. gray/white which many think is more "neutral". I like Unsound's recommendation. A CJ like an MV-50 will give you the silkiness, similar tonal color as the B&K, and a much more refined overall sound. IMO.
I agree with Frogman, he reminded me of my Audionics CC-2. One amp you shoud try is Musical Fidelity M6PRX.
Yes the B&K is dark sounding to my ears. Not muffled...just darker than neutral. Much more warm than the Pioneer. If I go the used route, how is the long term quality of CJ amps?
I can't speak to the long term reliability of CJ amps, as I never owned one long-term, but I am not aware of any bad reputation in that respect. Here is a VERY interesting option IMO. I have no affiliation with the seller, but have been very surprised that these have not sold at this price. I own the MTR 101's which are a version with different heat sinks. They are truly great amps and look beautiful. They have very similar tonal character as the BK but much more refined sounding. They will drive just about anything and have great bass. Do yourself a favor and research them on line. I can't imagine anything better for the money. Good luck.