Modern amp that has warmth and sound of B&K?

I am currently quite happy with my used B&K st-140 (105 watt) mated with a Nova Pre and current model ZU Omen Defs. The sound I am getting is warm and "groovy" FLOABT. However, upon reading, I realize the life of this amp to where it needs upgraded (caps, etc) could be quite short due to its age. I thought of the musical designs elite upgrade for the B&K for about $600. But, I could also just enjoy it unit it's end and just go with a newer amp.

One make that intrigues me is Vincent hybrid. The silkiness of tubes sound appealing..but would love to keep the warm, deepness that my current B&K offers. It seems the vincent could be the best of both worlds. However, the B&K is total SS and offers the flavor of sound I like.

No matter what amp I look up (Passlabs, Modwright, Bryston, etc), there are people who think they are too bright or too dark. I realize much has to do with the other components as well.

I also hear that Klaus at Odyssey will bias an amp to your liking (Khartgos look nice)

Knowing the work that John Hillig does. I would not hesitate to have the B&K upgraded. If you like the sound of your amp why change. What can you buy new for 600 that will compare. If you buy used you may be getting something that in a few years may putyou back in the same place you are now. I have never heard the B&K with upgrades, but like the sound of the stock one. I have heard the Musical Concepts Hafler mods and think they compete with much of the new stuff in 2 to 3k range. The draw back is they don't look nearly as nice.
I think you'd be surprised how long the ST140 will last. I recently had mine at a trusted shop here in Sacramento and was given good advice to leave it alone and enjoy. Two weeks later I got an itch and purchased a Parasound A23 while visiting a stereo shop in Eureka. The difference was a pleasant surprise; the A23 provides a nice smooth sound but has much better bass punch and better overall balance compared to the laid back sound of the ST140. I know there are many fans of the ST140 but I have no desire to put it back into my system because it can't compare. Even so, the ST140 is a great amp to try if you need to tame any brightness you might have in your system.

Thanks Sturgus, that may be the route I take. With a good going over from Hillig, I may be disappointed if I purchased another amp. Parasound amps have always intrigued me. I always picture them as more of an HT company, butt have ready tons of good reviews for their stereo amps. I would like to try one.
I would second the McCormack recommendation. I recently made some changes to my system, including moving from a Classe 10 amp to a McCormack DNA-1 amp. The Classe was no slouch, but I could not be more happy with the improvement in my system. The DNA is very musical and smooth, and has a great, authoritative grip on the bottom end of my Vandersteen 2ce Sigs. The McCormack/Vandersteen match is great. Add to that the fact that Steve McCormack still supports and modifies his amps. I have sent a question or two his way and I get a response back directly from him within the day.....a nice plus for sure. Good luck.