Isolation Platform from Timber Nation

If you need some maple isolation platforms or a equipment rack check out Timber Nation. Chris Futrick has made me a few platforms now.

Im just waiting on my custom brass rods to be machined, and will have a stackable rack.

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They may be attractive and solid platforms, but for proper isolation, get something designed for lab equipment like a Vibraplane. These wooden shelves tune and alter the sound, in my experience.
Vibraplane was the first or maybe second audiophile grade isolation device, that was around 15 years ago and prompted the landmark Bad Vibes article in Sterophile by Shannon Dickson. Possibly the Seismic Sink was first. Since then there has been a plethora of interesting isolation devices introduced into the audiophile market, including Relaxa magnetic levitation, Mana, Halcyonics, Minus K negative stiffness device, Silent Running, all manner of roller bearing assemblies, Bright Star and similar air bladder systems, Vibrapods, Gingko, not to mention all the DIY devices like bicycle inner tubes, bungee cords, tennis balls, etc.
I have two Timber Nation platforms that work very good on the carpet under my mono blocks.

You have to look at the source of vibration, is it from up the floor, inside the component, or from a direct path (through the air) from the speaker? Different solutions for each source.

Most all turntable vibration is through the air directly from the speakers, and best addressed by a sound barrier (wall) between the speakers and turntable!