Do you leave the Jeff Rowland Amp on all the time

I purchased this amp recently an am very impressed with the sound, however it takes a long time to warm up. Do any users leave the amp on all the time. I emailed Rowland but did not get an answer. I am also thinking about replacing my BAT VK-32SE with the Rowland Capri preamp.
Marty t,

I have the Rowland 625. It is on 24/7. I had the Rowland Model 2 for 12 years before this amp. It also was on 24/7 unless another amp was in it's place. Both these amps take too long to warm up/stabilize, to turn off, IMHO.
I'd stick with your BAT if I were you. I think the Capri would not be a step up, you'd have to move up to the Corus, in the Rowland line, for an improvement, I believe.
I shut them off, but I use the Model 2 amp with Batteries. After 20min I
start listening.