Do you leave the Jeff Rowland Amp on all the time

I purchased this amp recently an am very impressed with the sound, however it takes a long time to warm up. Do any users leave the amp on all the time. I emailed Rowland but did not get an answer. I am also thinking about replacing my BAT VK-32SE with the Rowland Capri preamp.
Marty t,

I have the Rowland 625. It is on 24/7. I had the Rowland Model 2 for 12 years before this amp. It also was on 24/7 unless another amp was in it's place. Both these amps take too long to warm up/stabilize, to turn off, IMHO.
I'd stick with your BAT if I were you. I think the Capri would not be a step up, you'd have to move up to the Corus, in the Rowland line, for an improvement, I believe.
I shut them off, but I use the Model 2 amp with Batteries. After 20min I
start listening.
Turn it off. NO excuses. It's lame to leave things on all the time, wake up, get in the 21st century you wasteful laggards! Use the time it takes for your gear to warm up for something work, gardening, flossing, put the LPs back in alphabetical order, explaining to your partner that Donald Fagan really does have a good voice, clean your motorcycle, check your butt for deer ticks...