Oppo BDP-95 as a pure two channel audio source?

Curious to know if anyone out there has purchased the Oppo BDP-95 soely on its merit as a dedicated two channel audio source? If so, how does it stack up comparatively speaking. Thanks

I was in the same thought process before I made my Oppo purchase. As I said in my previous post, I couldn't be happier with my Oppo BDP 93...It was what I could afford at the time and I have ZERO regrets espeically since it is my main music source. I have been blessed with building a system over the past several years that I am very content with and having recently moved and my new room is WAY MUCH BETTER than what I previously had.. I am looking to now go up that notch and the BDP 105 makes it even more enticing with the headphone amp feature as well. You will not go wrong with the purchase of Oppo as a musical source, it is nice to be able to use it for video as well. These units are that and a bag of chips, try just one and you will be hooked...
Thanks Shakedown appreciate it. I think I'm beginning to take a sip of the Koolaid with this unit, just to many personal post and professional reviews echoing what you, Freediver and Csontos are saying. Can't fight the feeling any longer, I just have to hear for myself. Could what everyone is saying really be true? That a $1,200 universal home theater player rivals the best dedicated cd units from the likes of Ayre and Esoteric? I think I'll pick up the new 105 and give it a shot, afterall, Music Direct has a 30 Day return policy right? Thanks to all again, looking forward to being astounded and sharing my impressions.

Your OP didn't make it explicit, but I assume you'd be using the analog output of the Oppo BDP-95. Balanced stereo output to a processor in bypass mode is very impressive, especially if you set SACD output to DSD in the Oppo menu.

Thanks DB. Yes, I would be using the analog RCA output of the Oppo as my amp, (LFD NCSE MkII) does not offer balanced outs. Which now that you mention it, does bring me to another question/concern. Will I be sacrificing to much of the Oppos' capability by not going balanced? Also, it's my understanding that there is an Audio Only setting that eliminates the video features of the unit, are there other set up modes I should be aware of to optimize the Oppos two channel audio sound?
Jay...Do not worry about the Balanced and Unbalanced scenario...its all relative to your distances from units to amplifiers and picking up noise...Read this thread and hopefully it will shed some light on the subject...the second and especially the third posts are on spot...
