Oppo BDP-95 as a pure two channel audio source?

Curious to know if anyone out there has purchased the Oppo BDP-95 soely on its merit as a dedicated two channel audio source? If so, how does it stack up comparatively speaking. Thanks

The only way to truly know if it is for you is to buy a unit and try it, remember Oppo has a 30 day return policy you just pay shipping. You can read what we say all day but it is your ears and your system that it will be working in. I am a 2 channel lover and have converted to multi channel also. I just replaced my Ayre CX-7e with the Oppo BDP-105. I was set to buy the BDP-95 but had heard that the 105 was being released. I wanted and needed a universal player and did not want to spend 10K on the Ayre CX-5 unit. I am so glad I waited. Before I even get into the sonic differences I used a particular CD that has been scratched and cannot play correctly in my Ayre Cx-7e. I tried the same disc in the Oppo and it played it flawlessly!

I did allow the 105 to "burn in" before making a serious comparison. What made the comparison easy is I was able to use the same XLR (Synergistic Research) and power cable (BMI Whale elite) so the same sonic signature would be there. In a nut shell the Ayre was slightly warmer and lush in the mids. Low end about the same with both units. The Oppo BDP-105 has slightly better detail towards the top but not bright and a wide soundstage that puts the soundfield into perspective as it should be especially on classical pieces. I think you should try it and decide for yourself as I am referring to the BDP-105 and not the BDP-95, the analog section in the BDP-105 is really nice and as I said the Ayre is a good sounding unit as we all know. I personally believe Oppo took some of the ideas that Charles Hansen from Ayre had put into the older CX-5 universal player but in a more cost effective solution such as upgrading the power supply.
Thanks for the input Statman, appreciate it. I'm curious, would you prefer the 105 over your Ayre if you were not converting to multi=channel? Thanks, Jayh31
I can confirm statman remark about the ayre being picky with scratches. I had a couple used cd's that were slightly scratched, never had an issue with my other players. Lets just say they were not playable in the C5xeMP. Since I realized this I have not purchased a single used cd, I also keep my new disks in immaculate condition, have not had a single skip since I got rid of the used disks almost a year ago. On the oppo 95, I felt it was an obvious sonic downgrade, but as statman pointed out I tried it for a month and only paid about $30 or so for the shipping and was promptly refunded. It's worth trying if you can detatch from a grand for a few weeks. But after a year with the Ayre I am still thrilled with it and have no desire to sell it, which as an audiophile is definitely saying something lol.
Thanks Harri009. I considered taking advantage of the retuen policy with the Oppo 105, however, after considerable discussion with several video and audiophiles alike who have consierable experience with the 95, my suspicions have been confirmed. And those are, (just as you have pointed out) that the Oppo 95/105, in spite of all the hype, is not, (nor is it intented to be), a source designed to compete with the best dedicated audiophile digital sources, such as your Ayre or my Bryston for that matter. So with that, based on my needs, I don't believe the Oppo offers enough for me to go through with the try it and return it exercise. It does appear as though that Oppo is hitting it's target market, those being the video enthusiast looking for a quality, flexible, digital TV source, and not to those committed to recreating a dedicated two channel, lifelike, music experience, which of course as we know, is a completely different ball game. jayh31
I'll add to rower30's wisdom, I've turned to computer audio many times, Squeezebox, Transporter, PS Audio Perfectwave, and often I looked at my turntable as an easy means to play music. No fuss just drop the needle and listen. And it sounds great to boot. Even my what I thought worn out albums from the 60's and 70's were revived once I actually cleaned them.

On the flip side, now that I've dialed in the computer and software headache, having my library, my entire library ready to play through my IPAD, my iPhone, and even my iTouch, not to mention the keyboard in my room is very cool. Not just that but while I'm scrolling through my library, creating playlists or rating songs I can dig into whatever artist bio I'm listening too. Hell even my 2.5 YO knows JRemote and plays his music. Crazy.

Now, in my "dialed in" setup, it sounds a little better than my turntable. Not an easy feet given it's a VPI Scoutmaster mated to a very good cart.

Jayh31 nails it too. Good discussion.