Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?
Congratulations Brownsfan.Give us an early(very) impression tonight if you find the time.
Congrats Brownsfan....can't wait to hear your impressions, signed Ravensfan. ;-)
Guys, :)

Lots of smiles here. Even with just an hour of burn in, its really showing me a lot of what I hoped I would find. Dead quiet, very transparent, excellent dynamics, it has all the virtues of the Promethius signature but does them better. Just a bit of brightness expressed at times, but I trust that will work its way out with burn in. Timbre generally dead on. Nice piece of work, Mr. Blume!
As I thought you'd be impressed with it straight out of the shipping carton.Enjoy this superb linestage, and it gets considerably better as the various parts accumulate hours.You made an excellent choice.