Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?
1) I am somewhat surprised that the 101D isn't utilized more often, it's really a beautiful and natural sounding tube.
2) Agree regarding the W.E. Replica 845, it just sings in Jwm's (Jeff) Absolare amplifier and clearly outperformed the NOS RCA 845 and Shuguang.
3) I can attest to the Hifi series, so if the W.E. is just "modestly" better that's an achievement and Pap says the gap is wide between the two.
4) I'd be interested in a group purchase as Jordan suggested.
I have not heard the 101D in any implementation. It certainly is a visually beautiful tube. I will give the benefit of doubt that you guys did not buy CSL just because it looks so darn cool:)
A group buy is the way to to! I almost wish I could retro-fit in a pair:)
A group buy works for me or Vette can buy them and I will reimburse him. Either way. Let's just get the tubes.

I can assure you the WE Replicas are far more than "modestly " better than the Hifi series. They have more extended highs and lows with more detail retrieval and much better tonality and timbre. Bass is heaps better than the HIFI series as is speed and dynamics. The downside is that you will never use the old tubes again.

BTW quality of construction is so much better too.
You're driving the rest of us mad with pure desire to try these tubes Lol!