Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?
"... mad with pure desire" Charles, personal acknowledgment is the first step.
Public admission is larger bigger step. You are with friends:) HA
"... mad with pure desire" Charles, personal acknowledgment is the first step.
Public admission is larger bigger step. You are with friends:) HA

Charles...this^. ;-)
Are you " Tasso" on the Australian site stereo. net? If so you have a very unique system combo, CSL with the hugh Soulution 710 amplifier. It's funny how I assume that those who have a CSL match it with a tube power amplifier ( as if there's no other choice, Lol). If your are Tasso did you try the Soultion's sibling preamplifier? If I have this all wrong I apologize for the mistaken identity.